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Ten Thousand Pictures of You

Gute Bew.: 5
Schlechte Bew.: 2
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Geniales Stopmotion-Video aus und über Fotos



Written, Directed & Edited by Robin King
Starring Denise Hoey, David Crow, Ruth Larkin

This pixilation (stop-motion animation using real people) was made in 2006 for Screen South as part of the UK Film Council's Digital Shorts scheme. As much as possible, it was made 'in camera' without digital superimposure, using thousands of printed materials.

In answer to some of the questions below and others I've been frequently asked:

The whole film took about a year: roughly three months each for development, prep, shoot and post - although due to the nature of the film, part of the post bled into the shoot.

The programs I used were Photoshop, Premiere 6.5 and some bespoke programs I coded myself (a 3D animatic planning program and another to smooth out some of the tracking shots). To be honest my machine and the software weren't up to what I needed from them, and I would have a much better time of it now, with my macbookpro, FCP and a tablet...

I used a Canon Eos 350D Digital SLR to shoot, and took roughly 26,000 photos overall.

Ten Thousand Pictures of You    


Kategorie: Film
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christian hat diesen Hype 2 mal als gut bewertet (2) : Eh Alter, Du haben Text einfach kopiert. Nix gut! :)

christians letzter Hype: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
29.12.2009 04:41   Gut Melden Antworten

christian hat diesen Hype 2 mal als gut bewertet (2) : Richtig aufwändig! Sowas würd ich auch gern mal machen... Hype ich!

christians letzter Hype: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
05.05.2009 01:34   Gut Melden Antworten
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